Fine Art Friday {June}
I have anxiously awaited the beautiful month of June since last June! I am not a winter person (I think I've mentioned that before?!) and I am loving the submissions for this month. Not a snowflake in sight in any of these photos! YAY! Our participation is down just a little this month, but I don't think it's a bad thing. I think our fPOE ladies are outside taking photos and enjoying their Spring/Summer, which is exactly what I'm looking forward to doing myself! My kiddos and I have lots of adventures planned and I can't wait to share my photos on FB of our gallivanting! In the meantime, here are June's FAF photos for your viewing pleasure! By the way, feel free to comment and let the photographer's featured know that you enjoy their work, especially if you have a favorite!
Chaise Longue Gallery - Stacy Frett
Title: Three White Delicate Spring Flowers
Description: Found in Western Kentucky
Description: Found in Western Kentucky
Shadetree Photography - Debbra Obertanec
Title: Beach Collection
Description: A beachy collection of shells, smooth stones and whatnots from my treasure hunting travels along the east coast.
RCM Fine Art Photography - Robin Matterfis
Title: Water Iris
Description: We have water irises bloom in a stream on our property every year. I look forward to them every spring.
Angsana Seeds - Ivy Ho
Title: If only I am...
Description: We don't have dandelions in Singapore because the weather is too hot and humid. This is an image of a dandelion look-alike weed, Coat Buttons (Tridax Procumbens), which belongs to the sunflower or daisy family.
Gidget Clayton Photography - Gidget Clayton
Title: John Deere
Description: Photographing lightning is a passion and obsession of mine. This image was created in Scottsdale, Arizona. I was standing near a 12 ft. John Deere tractor rig. At one point the lightning seemed so close that I fell to the ground for fear of getting struck. So with that being said, it certainly was not a wise thing to be right next to a very large mass of metal. The resulting image is just spectacular.
Souvenir Photography - Jessica Arizpe
Title: Beauty in the Blues
Description: As the summer weather comes forth, the ocean is the best place to enjoy some time in the heat!
Dream Wood Photography - Lisa Wood
Title: Wreath of Blossoms
Description: Warm white spring blossom cluster, beautiful and innocent, set against the teal sky.
LKPhipps Fine Art Imagery - Loni Phipps
Title: It Began with the Tea
Description: I love parking lot carnivals (you know the kind, small, kind of shabby, in church and old shopping mall lots.) I like to go there the first day of opening...before they open. Everything looks the best that it can and the workers are usually too tired to care much about someone trolling the area with a camera. When I was younger I liked everything about the carnival except for the crowds. I'm still kind of like that, these adventures satisfy that part of me. When I stepped out of the car and saw this ride all I could think of was "Alice in Wonderland".
Karen D Photography - Karen DeBisschop
Title: New Beginnings
Description: Beautiful caterpillar and closed rose in my backyard showing the beginning of springtime which will bring on a new year and blossoming into beautiful butterfly and rose.
Pretty Petal Studio - Susan O'Connor
Title: Peony, Owl & Butterflies
Description: Mixed media photograph of a peony flower, a ceramic owl and pretty doily butterflies.
Janelle Tweed Photography - Janelle Tweed
Title: Rising Full Moon
Description: There are many things that I will never get bored or tired of photographing, and the moon is one of them
Lost in the Valley Photography - Jessica Chevalier
Title: New Growth
Description: Garden season is going at full strength! All of the tender leaves growing out in the field are a happy sight for sore eyes after a long Adirondack winter!
Lisa Bonowicz Photography - Lisa Bonowicz
Title: Jet Coaster
Description: The Jet Coaster at Seaside in the ocean became the icon of Hurricane Sandy here in New Jersey.
Judith Kimber Photography - Judith Kimber
Title: Red Dress
Description: Spotted in the window of a fabulous vintage clothing store in rural Georgia.
Sun Lion Imagery - Barb Roehler
Title: 1933 Ford Roadster Cabriolet
Description: Black & white mirror image of a 1933 Ford Roadster Cabriolet's front left side panel & headlight.
Catino Creations - Michele Catino
Title: Sombreros
Description: Fields of flowers are in bloom this Spring!
Erin Johnson Photography - Erin Johnson
Title: St. Louis Cathedral
Description: St Louis Cathedral in New Orleans, LA with the sun peeking out behind it.
The Paper Butterfly - Caitlin Brookes
Title: Roadside Horse
Description: Taken in Quebec, Canada
Suzanne Harford Photography - Suzanne Harford
Title: The Big Field
Description: The late afternoon sun shines through the clouds and onto one of the hay fields at the farm
Laughter and Love Photography - Angie Turner
Title: Gorilla Hand
Description: I took this during my son's Kindergarten field trip to the zoo. I always knew gorillas were similar to humans, but seeing the cuticles and cracks around the nails amazed me. If I didn't know this was a gorilla, I'd think it was a working man's hand!
Thank you for posting Angie :-)
Thank you so much for hosting this, Angie :)